Motorcycle Guardian Bell; check the Guardian Bell Rules

What is a guardian bell? Is it true that a guardian bell prevents motorcyclists from accidents? Where to buy a guardian bell for motorcycle? These and other questions are what we shall be discussing in this post as we uncover the myth behind the mysterious guardian bell.


What Are Guardian Bells For Motorcycle

A guardian bell is a small bell made from pewter (an alloy of tin with copper and antimony) that protects you from any road accident whenever you travel with your motorcycle.Motorcycle Guardian Bell & check the Guardian Bell Rules

It is hanged on a motorcycle to provide a good luck charm while navigating through the highway to your destination.

This bell is highly rated by motorcyclists who believe it has a very effective power to get rid of harmful road spirit whenever they are on the road.

Also known as spirit or gremlin bell, Guardian bell for motorcycle is believed to have a great spiritual impact on the angels on highways.

According to guardian bell Wikipedia and other story behind the guardian bell, the gremlin bells originated from Mexico before it was adopted by other parts of the world.

The most amazing side of the bell is that it works on every motorcycle as long as you don’t violate its rules.

How Does Guardian Bells Work

Though it sounds more like a superstitious belief, legend reveals that the bell hasn’t failed to secure riders who have it on their motorcycle. The question is how does it work, and what’s the secret behind its effectiveness?

Most people believe that the evil spirits on highways are responsible for the sudden and inexplicable incidents, such engine failure and brake failure, which lead to fatal accidents. Therefore, they hang the bell on their bike for protection.

It is disclosed that the evil spirits are attracted by the sound of the bell. Then, the bell will capture them;

channel them through its hollow before getting rid of them. Unfortunately, riders without the bell will be at the receiving end of the spirits’ deadly mission since they aren’t preserved by the guardian bell.

However, you must know and observe the guardian bell’s rules and regulations so you can enjoy high and quality protection against all lurking spirits on the road. Read on to uncover the rules for installing the guardian bells.

Where Do You Hang Your Guardian Bell?

Though there is no specific spot designed for guardian bell, DON’T place it directly behind your front tire. It is believe that The evil spirits are expected to run via the direction, so placing the bell behind the front tire will reduce its performance.

Having said that, ensure you hang the guardian bell for motorcycles at a spot close to the ground to scare many accident-causing spirits. Ensure you place it where you can easily notice when it falls to the ground.

In a nutshell, the best place to attach a guardian bell to your motorcycle is the peg where your feet rest.

How Many Guardian Bells Can You Have?

You can have more than one guardian bell as long as you didn’t steal or buy them. You are only permitted to use the bell you receive as gifts from fellow motorcyclists.

That’s quite amusing, but there’s no other way to the practice because the bell you purchase won’t serve its duties if you decide to use it.

Irrespective of the number of bells you have, a guardian bell is enough to eliminate all the evil spirits from your route. You can have as many as possible bells, but you are expected to use one at a time.

Importance Of Guardian Bells For Motorcycle

  • It ensures rider’s safety
  • It promotes love and oneness in the motorcyclists’ community
  • It encourages a friendly atmosphere between bike riders via gifting.

Is It Bad Luck To Have More Than One Bell On A Motorcycle?

It’s not bad luck to have more than one bell on your motorcycle as long as you received them as gifts.

Its believe that It’s a curse to have more than one guardian bell on a motorcycle if you bought them with your money or you stole them.

Why Do Bikers Hang A Bell?

The main reason why bikers hang a bell on their bike is for protection. Another reason is for beautification purposes as it adds more beauty to their bike’s appearance.

Can You Buy Your Ride Bell?

No, you can’t buy your guardian bell according to the bell’s rules. You are to give it out as a gift to a fellow bike rider. You might end up attracting the evil spirits if you use the bell you bought yourself.

Top Five Guardian Bell Rules

As promised earlier, here are the top five guardian bell rules you must obey to enjoy maximum protection:

  1. You must not use the guardian bell you bought with your money. Don’t hesitate to gift it to a fellow motorcycle rider.
  2. You mustn’t steal a guardian bell.
  3. In case you decide to sell your motorcycle, ensure you remove the bell.
  4. Ensure you place it at the bottom part of your bike for better results.
  5. Take good care of the bell by cleaning and polishing it occasionally.


Everything about the guardian bell for motorcycles seems more like a myth and superstitious belief. Nonetheless, most people trust in the bell’s protective ability, while others don’t take it seriously.

What do you think of the guardian bell — is it real or mere fantasy? Share your thoughts with us via the comments as we hope to gain more clues from our experienced readers.


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